Thursday, September 20, 2012

Value Portraits Art Critique

1. Explain the process you went through to develop your drawing.
First we got a picture of another student in the class.  We then put tracing paper over it, held it up to the window and drew shapes where we thought we saw value.  Next we transferred the shapes over to a piece of paper and completed the project by shading the shapes and creating value.
2. Explain how you found the different values in the portrait?
When you held the picture up to the window you could see different areas of lightness and darkness.  There were certain shapes that could outline these areas.  This way we knew which areas should be darker and lighter.
3.  Did you achieve a full range of the different values within your portrait?  How?
Yes, i think i did achieve a full range of the different values.  With all the shapes i put on the face it was easier to find the lightness and darkness.  With the angle the picture was taken you can see the darkness to lightness from right to left.
4. Describe your craftsmanship.  Is the artwork executed and crafted neatly?
I think i did good in making it look like my person.  I did well with shading but not as good as i think i could have done with blending the values.  I think i could have made the values look better.
 5. List any obstacles you had to overcome and how you dealt with them.
It was hard to find all the shapes in the person's face.  It was hard to find all the different values to shade in.  Also blending the values seemed to come across as hard.

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